
About the Social Protection Card

The Social Protection Card (KPS) is a card issued by the government to poor households. The KPS contains information, including the names of the head of household, their spouse and other household members, as well as their address and family card number. The card also contains a barcode along with a unique KPS identification number. The front of the KPS bears the Garuda logo and their card's validity period.



As a marker of poor households, the KPS card is useful for accessing government assistance as part of the Subsidised Rice for the Poor Programme, more commonly known as Raskin. Moreover, KPS can also be used to access the Cash for Poor Students (BSM ) and Unconditional Cash Transfers (BLSM).

The government issued KPS to 15.5 million poor and vulnerable households, equivalent to 25 percent of households with the lowest socio-economic status in Indonesia.

The KPS was sent directly to the addresses of targeted households (RTS) by PT Pos Indonesia .

The terms and conditions of the KPS are as follows:

  • The head of KPS recipient households and all its members are eligible to access social assistance programmes.
  • KPS cards must be shown when accessing social assistance programmes. If Family Card numbers do not match those on the KPS, then this does not invalidate a household's right to programme benefits. 
  • Cards are not transferable.  
  • Cards must be properly stored. Loss or damage to cards is the responsibility of the card holder.