
Healthy Indonesian Card

Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS) guarantees and ensures the provision of healthcare services to the disadvantaged, as implemented through the National Health Insurance (JKN), which was under BPJS Health.

The range of participants will be gradually expanded to include those with social welfare problems and the infants of Premium Assistance Beneficiaries (PBI), who are currently not covered.

KIS provides additional benefits, preventive, promotive and early detection services that will be integrated and carried out more intensively.

KIS assures that health service facilities do not differentiate between participants, based on their social status.

The KIS programme organiser is BPJS Health.

It should be emphasised that the healthcare services of patients holding other BPJS cards will continue as usual, and will receive the same benefits as Healthy Indonesian Card holders. The replacement of BPJS cards with Healthy Indonesia Cards will occur gradually.
