
Social Protection Card (KPS) Distribution Mechanism

Social Protection Card (KPS) Distribution Mechanism

  • PT. Pos Indonesia distributes KPS to targeted households free-of-charge, accompanied by village/kelurahanofficials.
  • PT. Pos Indonesia records KPS that have been returned as a result of:
  1. Empty house.
  2. Incomplete address.
  3. Address not found.
  4. Recipients have moved house.
  5. Rejected by recipients.
  6. All household members are deceased.
  •  After distributing the KPS, PT. Pos Indonesia created a list of those that not been returned, and then submits it to the village/lurah head.
  • Based on this list, the village/lurah head compiles a list of replacement households, using musdes/muskel and summary of replacement household forms.
  • Kecamatan Social Welfare Workers (TKSK) facilitate the preparation and compilation of the summary of replacement households list.
  • TKSK facilitates the return of KPS in their respective sub-districts from households that feel they should not receive KPS, or changes to recipients as a result of musdes/muskel, for summarising at the sub-district level.
  • TKSKs inform the heads of sub-districts of the summary of replacement household forms from villages/kelurahan.


Graph: Distribution and Update Mechanisms for Social Assistance Card (KPS) Recipients 


KPS Recipient Update Mechanism

 Musyawarah Desa (musdes)/Kelurahan (muskel)

The process of updating the list of KPS recipient households is conducted using musdes/muskels, which act as discussion forums at the village or kelurahan level where local policies are set. Musdes/muskel can be conducted no later than 15 days after information on returned KPS have received by villages/kelurahan from TKSK and post offices.

Musdes/muskel must involve at least:

  1. Village/kelurahan officials.
  2. Village/kelurahan community groups. Village/kelurahan community groups may consist of community leaders or local religious leaders.
  3. Village/kelurahan groups. Village/kelurahan groups may consist of community leaders or local religious leaders.
  4. Representatives from KPS recipient households from each local neighbourhood unit (SLS) at the village level, RW, jorong or other level, to update the list of KPS recipients.


Musyawarah Implementation Procedures

Musdes/Muskel can only be conducted after villages/kelurahan receive circulars from the sub-district head containing summaries on returned cards. The next steps are:

  •  Village/kelurahan governments invite representatives from community groups, religious leaders, community leaders and representatives from KPS recipient households to conduct discussions (musyawarah).
  • Village/kelurahan governments socialise the number of households that are eligible to receive replacement KPS, based on the summary of returned KPS cards and household replacement procedures.
  • Village/kelurahan musyawarah are expected to make decisions on:
    • Withdrawing KPS for replacement households, according to relevant household criteria.
    • Updates to the list of KPS recipients, including replacement households and the households they have replaced.
    • The total number of replacement households, which must be the same as the total number of KPS returned (cards returned to PT. Pos Indonesia, plus households considered worthy during musdes/muskel).
    • Determining the number of Certificates for Poor Households (SKRTM) to be completed, for which the amount will be in accordance with the number of replacement households;
    • Minutes on KPS recipient updates
  •  Village/kelurahan governments socialise the results of musdes/muskel to village/kelurahan      communities.

KPS Replacement Households

Musyawarah, conducted by villages/kelurahan, decide on replacement KPS households. Replacement households will receive an SKRTM. SKRTM are filled by replacement households, assisted by village officials and/or TKSK and approved by the head of the village/lurah and sub-district. Approved SKRTM can be used to obtain replacement KPS cards.